ArmchairGM Wiki

News has been slow the last few days, and I am exhausted. It has been a long week causing some issues in my brain functions. Because of all of this, I have no really info to update you with or news that is different then the last few days.

What do I have for you? I have for you absolute gold. For you, and you alone I will be giving you the amazing joy and unlimited wonderment that are my thoughts on a few of the stories that are swirling around the sports world.

Let’s get the party moving, shall we?

NFL Free Agency

I love the off-season almost as much as the regular season. Watching as huge names like Jevon Kearse, Muhsin Muhammad and Ty Law are cut to meet salary cap needs, then watching as they sign on with new teams.

I also enjoy watching as teams make blunders in the Free Agency market looking for that piece that will fit but becomes the piece that sinks the team. 

NBA Trades

This was great. As much as I don’t watch or really follow basketball, the one thing that I like about the NBA is the ability for teams to make blockbuster trades; the trades that you don’t see with very much regularity in any other sport.

You think that the Houston Rockets wish they had gotten in on the trade market?

LeBron James is the man

The youngest player to 10,000 points. The next MJ?

Well, here is my thinking. The image of the NBA is in the toilet and “King” James is a clean-cut good guy (without the reckless driving…) who takes the game back to the fun level of the MJ days. 

Will he match MJ’s milestones and ability? I can’t be sure, but he will definitely match his persona.

Tiger wins 63rd Tour title at Match Play

Tiger is the best golfer ever, no doubt. I just wish that my Grandfather was around to see this.

Roger Clemens

Wow. Where to even begin on this quagmire of an issue. So I will do this from a different angle.

Do you remember when you were in High School and you knew the guy who’s Mom had the boob job and his Dad was in prison? Do you remember that? What did you do as a mean teenager?

You made fun of him. You made comments about wanting to see his Mom’s chest and asking if his Dad could hook you up. And he was upset. He may have turned to drugs.

So how do we think that Koby Clemens is feeling? Do you think that teammates are making fun of his Dad? Or about the boob job that his Mom had?

(* there are stories stating that she was comparing them with Jose Canseco’s (now) ex-wife’s at the infamous party that Clemens wasn’t at…)

Just pep up, Kobes. It is still better then being this guy's kid.

Hopefully some good news will hit and I can get you something more in depth soon. Until then…enjoy this:

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From: Afraidofedhochuli
